The Dictator 2nd and 3rd form – Layton

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Today I have been making the 2nd and 3rd forms of the Dictator. I started these pieces by making two new files and copy and pasting the current Dictator into one of the files. Then i disconnected the tire tread and wheels from the main body of the dictator and also removed its back accessory. After doing this I moved the wheels out of the way and drew on two spider like legs. I then edited the tires and placed them on the dictators back. I then added extra rocket launchers onto the model and that is the 2nd form. For the 3rd form I just duplicated the 2nd form and edited it slightly. I change the colour to a darker grey and changed the fuel canister on the flamethrower to look larger and i added some knee spikes. The dark greys and reds make this form look more menacing as you can see in the images.The Dictator Model 2The Dictator Model 3

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