Researching into Other existing 2D concept art – Layton

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Today I have conducted some research existing 2D concept artists. The first artists is someone on wordpress and they are making 2D concept but not specifically for gaming I have looked at this persons work and I like the strange twist she puts on her art style. A lot of her work is based on 2D art however there are some pieces which look like they have been created using polygons yet they are still 2D.mountain2

Here I have looked at some of the concept art work for the game “Pokemon Red”. I am going to be talking about the initial design for the title screen of the game. The initial design of the title screen looks very similar to that of the final product, however it looks like the designers of the game had taken some of the design away and made the end result less detailed. For example the initial design has a boarder around the screen which showcases some of the Pokemon featured within the game. Also the trainer was positioned differently and on the initial design he looked much more battle ready rather than the finished product whom looks slightly laid back. Here is what the initial design and final design look like in comparison to each other.

red title screenred title screen actual thing

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