FMP- primary research

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I have conducted some primary research using a questionnaire. To do this I asked some people from around college to answer my questions. I would have made a paper copy but I decided it would be easier to make on computer as any mistakes can be easily undone and it will also look neater.

Would you be interested in playing a game where the protagonist is a slime/blob?

yes- 10

No-  4

Do you enjoy playing platformer games such as ‘Sonic’?

yes- 8

no- 4

Dont mind- 2

If you had the choice in a video game would you destroy the world or save it?

Destroy the world- 7

Save the world- 7

Which genre of gaming do you prefer?

Action- 3

Shooter- 4

Platformer- 4

RPG- 2

Other- 1

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