Primary research – Layton

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Here i have conducted some primary research for our game. This will be useful as it can help generate new ideas or stick with the initial plan.

Would you enjoy to play as a slime within a game?

yes III


Do you enjoy to play platformer games for example mario and sonic?


no I

Would you rather destroy the world or save the world when playing a game?

Destroy the world III

Save the world IIII

Which of the following is your favourite genre of gaming?

Action I

Shooter III

Platformer I


I have come to the conclusion to stick with the original idea for the game. It will remain as a 2D platformer with some fighting elements (hopefully). I also found out that more people were infact interested in saving the world rather than destroying it. However the outcome of destroying or saving the world was almost equal so i think I will stick to the original idea for the game.

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