Game maker game

Researching into programmers who use Game maker – Layton

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Here is some research into people who use game maker. I have looked up online “how to do” specific things using game maker. A lot of the results i got from this research was from different forums and websites. However there is one person whom i have researched into thoroughly. His name is Shaun Spaulding and I have watched some of video tutorials for making platformer games in game maker. I have found his videos extremely useful for the production of the prototype game I have started for this project and for the completion of previous projects. I have only watched his “drag and drop” tutorials however they have proved to be very useful. These videos have helped me to code how the character moves and how the gravity works in the game. I have also found out how to create collision events with walls and floors within games and how to program enemy movements. He has also helped me with changing the direction of the sprite for the character when moving.

FMP- sprites 2- ross

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i created some more sprites for our game but this time they were of 2 of the bosses; the tank and the dictator. these sprites were made in gamemaker and were based off of the concept art we created before this.FMP- sprites 2 (jpeg)

FMP- character sprites- ross

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i created some sprites for some of the characters in our game on game maker by looking an the concept art we created.

FMP- character sprites (jpeg)