Ross arnold

FMP- Evaluation

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I have created an evaluation which summarizes all of the work i have done during this project and what i believe went well and what did not. i also wrote about all of the individual tasks i had to complete to pass this assignment and what i did for each one. i will link the evaluation below this. Evaluation

FMP- primary research

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I have conducted some primary research using a questionnaire. To do this I asked some people from around college to answer my questions. I would have made a paper copy but I decided it would be easier to make on computer as any mistakes can be easily undone and it will also look neater.

Would you be interested in playing a game where the protagonist is a slime/blob?

yes- 10

No-  4

Do you enjoy playing platformer games such as ‘Sonic’?

yes- 8

no- 4

Dont mind- 2

If you had the choice in a video game would you destroy the world or save it?

Destroy the world- 7

Save the world- 7

Which genre of gaming do you prefer?

Action- 3

Shooter- 4

Platformer- 4

RPG- 2

Other- 1

FMP- 2D game concept artist (research)

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I decided i should do some research into some 2D concept art that an artist has made. i use google to find some examples but then decided on one i like. i will link the page  below along with some of the images from the site. the writer put some information about themselves and made links to some of his other work. finally, he linked a video of him making some of the art for his game. below all of that is a large amount of images that he has made. one of the things that i specifically like about that page is that the concept art isn’t all of one kind but is instead a mix of character concept art, level concept art, promotional concept art and room concept art. all of their concept art is very good quality and i can tell the creator spent a long time working on each piece. unfortunately, not all of the concept art was based around one game but instead around multiple games, this is a shame as it does not show development. another thing that is a shame is that the work is not categorized into what kind of concept it is but is instead just put one after another with no clear organization. i will use this page as reference when making my own concept art and also when using wordpress to upload to. i will look at what i thought he did well and what he could have done better/ differently when making my work.


I have put the link to the page i was referencing above;


FMP- Tank moodboard (research)- ross

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I have conducted some research into different models of tanks from both real life and from video games. i then wrote about the types of tanks and what i found out from the research i conducted. All the images of the tanks i found from google images but were found using different searches for each image.  FMP- tank moodbaord

FMP- Sprites moodboard (research)- ross

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i have created a moodboard of all the research i did into the enemies of our game. i looked up images of pixel art characters on google images. i split up the types of  characters into groups when making the power point presentation. some of these images are from games and some are not but i am not completly sure. i then wrote about each of the groups talking about why i chose the images and how i could use them as reference. FMP- character designs moodboard

FMP- Level designs ( research)- ross

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this time i have made a power point presentation about some research on some of the levels i was asked to make. first i looked into some examples of maps from games that have already being made but i just want to use them as reference. then from prior knowledge or by researching online i found out about each level and wrote how i would like it to be used as reference and how i would develop it into the game. FMP- level designs moodboard

FMP- slime and blob moodboard (research)- ross

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I created a moodboard of images of slime or blob like creatures from google images. i have created a few groups for each of the slimes or blobs, these are; realistic looking, cartoon style, films/ anime and video game style. some of the images i already knew about so could find them easily but some i had to use a non specific search to find. i research i conducted showed me that a lot of slime/ blobs are green and i will take this into consideration when making my sprites.    FMP- blob and slime moodbard

FMP- 2D pixel art examples (research)- ross

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I have made a power point about examples pf 2D pixel art. i inserted some images of pixel art characters and pixel art maps. i then wrote about each of the sections; characters and maps.FMP- hand drawn concept art 2

FMP- Hand drawn concept art 2

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On Tuesday i made two more sheets of concept art. one of these was of what i would like the fourth level of our game to look like, the other was a menu screen for our game. the fourth level is a futuristic looking base that will be white with lots of high rocks for the player to climb over and a lot of enemies to fight. the menu screen is based off of Bolb Emils design as it is a blob of green slime with sections for the choices you can make for example; save, load, settings and play. FMP-  menu screen (concept) FMP- Level 4 design (concept)

Design Document – Ross and Layton

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This is the design document for the project. It will discuss what the game is about, characters and some research that both me and Ross have conducted. Design Document