Ross arnold

FMP- level 4- ross

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i have made another level for our game which is based around the ARO base. i used the level design for the third level as a basis then edited from there. the level is not inside of the base but is set outside. this level is the last part of the game as it is where the dictator is located, but layton will be designing the inside of the base. all the levels are set at different times of day as time passes. i used some images from the internet as reference that were also like special forces bases. FMP- level 4 background and level (wordpress)

FMP- Attacking sprites- ross

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i have created 2 different types of attacks, one of these is an attack for Bolb Emils and one of them is for the enemies. they are both roughly the same shape but the sprites are different colour. the images im putting below this is of the attacks i created in game maker. Before i made these sprites on game maker i created them on Photoshop as concept art. when in the game i would like the bullets to travel in a straight line while the slime balls fall over time. FMP- bolb emils attack sprite (photoshop version) (large)FMP- enemy bullet sprite (photoshop version)(large)

FMP- Background/ level 3 design- ross

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i have made another piece of background/ level concept art for our game. this piece is set outside the army base. this is the location of the boss battle with the tank. this level is set in the evening as it will take bolb some time to reach it. i made this concept art on photoshop. this level is yet to be put into our game.FMP- level 3 background and level (wordpress version)

FMP- sprites 2- ross

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i created some more sprites for our game but this time they were of 2 of the bosses; the tank and the dictator. these sprites were made in gamemaker and were based off of the concept art we created before this.FMP- sprites 2 (jpeg)

FMP- planning sheet- ross

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before we were asked to decide on which category we wanted to work on, we were given a list of categories and and had to create a spider diagram about how each category could be made into a game. my spider diagram links off into different categories then words that relate to each category.FMP- planning sheet

FMP- hand drawn concept art- ross

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when i was outside of a computer room i created multiple pieces of hand draw concept art. 3 of which were character designs and 1 of them was a background design.  the first piece i created was some simple designs for what bolb emils could look like in each of his forms. also i created a simple tank which would be used as reference for the tank sprite and photoshop concept art. next i made a level for the game that showed off some ideas for game mechanics aswell as what the level could look like. finally i made a detailed drawing of the final boss, samuel l johnson. all of this concept art will be useful as it can be reference when making more detailed work on photoshop and the actual game.FMP-  hand drawn city backgroundFMP- hand drawn Samuel L JFMP- hand drawn concept art

FMP- Tank concept art- ross

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I have created some concept art for the tank which is a boss in our game. i used an image off the internet for reference, this helped with the design. i will re-create this concept art as a sprite in the actual game. Unfortunately this concept art is too detailed to be used as a sprite in the game but it can be simplified to be used in the game. i like this concept art as it gave me a good idea of what colour the tank should be and how a tank looks as before i did not have a good ideaFMP- tank (wordpress version)

FMP- Backgrounds- ross

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i have created two backgrounds that could be used in our game on Photoshop. these background concept art pieces are designed around to different areas of the world; a forest and a city. the first piece i created was made using a lot of shapes rather than drawing. the first level is simple and does not have many objects as it is supposed to help the player learn the controls.  i believe i should have added the pod that bolb emils arrived in to this concept art as it would make sense for it to be visible. the second level is set in a town. the second level has some pot holes that the player can fall down which the player must jump over to avoid. the level is made up of more shapes but has a more complex design. it is set later in the day as the player takes time to get there.FMP- level 1 background and level jpegFMP- level 2 background and level jpeg

FMP- character sprites- ross

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i created some sprites for some of the characters in our game on game maker by looking an the concept art we created.

FMP- character sprites (jpeg)

Concept art – Bolb Emils- ross

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over the past week i have created some concept art of the main protagonist, bolb emils. these pieces of concept art will help me decide on a way of creating a sprite for him. i have created 4 different forms for bolb emils. FMP - bolb emils stage 1 Jpeg FMP - bolb emils stage 3 jpeg FMP - bolb emils stage 2 jpeg FMP - bolb emils stage 4 jpeg