Researching into Mech and Robot designs – Layton

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Robot and Mech designs- This researched is dedicated only for the last boss of our game. We have researched into two different robots from already existing games. The first one of these is the S.A.M robot from the mobile game jetpack joyride. This is because we really like the design of this robot and think it would be very suitable for our last boss. The only downside is this robot moves on wheels and not on legs. The other robot/Mech we researched into is the Mantis from Halo 4. We both agreed that the design of this Robot/Mech has a good design but wouldn’t be suitable as the last boss of our game. So we both had come to the conclusion that we would made a Mech that looks like both S.A.M and the Mantis. Maybe a more bulky version of the mantis or a S.A.M without wheels and legs with obviously our own touches to the design.Sammantis

FMP- 2D game concept artist (research)

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I decided i should do some research into some 2D concept art that an artist has made. i use google to find some examples but then decided on one i like. i will link the page  below along with some of the images from the site. the writer put some information about themselves and made links to some of his other work. finally, he linked a video of him making some of the art for his game. below all of that is a large amount of images that he has made. one of the things that i specifically like about that page is that the concept art isn’t all of one kind but is instead a mix of character concept art, level concept art, promotional concept art and room concept art. all of their concept art is very good quality and i can tell the creator spent a long time working on each piece. unfortunately, not all of the concept art was based around one game but instead around multiple games, this is a shame as it does not show development. another thing that is a shame is that the work is not categorized into what kind of concept it is but is instead just put one after another with no clear organization. i will use this page as reference when making my own concept art and also when using wordpress to upload to. i will look at what i thought he did well and what he could have done better/ differently when making my work.


I have put the link to the page i was referencing above;


Researching into the army – Layton

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Army and military –

We have done research into just standard army soldiers from games, movies and real life. We aren’t looking for all of the different ranks in the army just one so we can make one of the standard enemies in our game.

Zero Dark Thirty – The soldiers in this film look too enhanced for our game. However in the scenes where they don’t wear their helmets they look like standard soldiers. I feel like this is a good reference because we could make multiple different designs for the enemies. Some of them could be wearing normal helmets and the other may not be wearing helmets.

Real life – this is the base design for our soldiers in which we are trying to achieve. These designs will heavily inspire our work. We will regularly reference to this gus aemtm

Researching into slimes – Layton

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Research and references

Slimes from games and movies

We have researched into different kinds of slimes from movies and other existing video games to gain some ideas and be able to reference them in our work. There are multiple different forms of slimes throughout all of gaming and films alike. However we are trying to concentrate more on the blob of slime rather than the liquid slime.

Terraria- the design for this slime is very ideal for our game. This is because of its shape, which is close to the slime design we thought of. The colouring is what you would expect a slime to be so it’s a very ideal reference to look back at when creating the character in programs such as Photoshop or illustrator.

Monster vs aliens – Bob is the slime-like monster from the film monsters vs aliens. He appears to take on a form of both blob slime and liquid slime. His design is very simplistic yet very unique and that is what we are trying to achieve with our characterbob terraria slime

Researching into 2D games – Layton

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Today I have been conducting some research into other existing 2D games. I will be talking about 3 games and their; art style and gameplay.

First game, Streets of Rage

I really like the look of this game. This is because I prefer the 2D pixelated art style and I love the level designs. For example the dark streets in the city and the grungy alley ways give the game an intense feeling and it gives the player a sense of danger when a group of enemies come onto the screen and you are forced into fighting them. I also like the vandalised look into some of the levels where bins have been tipped over or something has been smashed on the ground. The gameplay is really interesting as it is a 2D beat em up but you are not restricted to moving only left and right. You can also move up, down and diagonally and the combat is extremely fun. This is what I initially wanted our game to look and play like. However we changed it quite drastically as it is only a prototype.

Second game, Terraria

The reason I have researched into this game is simply for the art style. Almost all of the gameplay in this game is different to that of the game we are making. However the art style is close to how i wanted our game to look with the slightly detailed pixelated style. It is quite simplistic yet quite a beautiful style and personally I think the game looks amazing. We also used reference for the main characters design in the game (Bolb Emils) from a standard green slime from Terraria.

Third game, Pokemon gold

I have chosen to research about this game because of its art style. I really like this retro 2D art style and I would have liked to implement this style into this game. It looks really nice and vibrant yet really simplistic however it is easy to see what the in-game objects are supposed to look like.

FMP- Tank moodboard (research)- ross

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I have conducted some research into different models of tanks from both real life and from video games. i then wrote about the types of tanks and what i found out from the research i conducted. All the images of the tanks i found from google images but were found using different searches for each image.  FMP- tank moodbaord

FMP- Sprites moodboard (research)- ross

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i have created a moodboard of all the research i did into the enemies of our game. i looked up images of pixel art characters on google images. i split up the types of  characters into groups when making the power point presentation. some of these images are from games and some are not but i am not completly sure. i then wrote about each of the groups talking about why i chose the images and how i could use them as reference. FMP- character designs moodboard

City level design initial concept art (on paper) – Layton

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Here is the original design for the city level in our game. I stuck very close to this original design when i was creating the final design for the game. However there are some slight differences. In the original piece I have made the street look more vandalized than the final product. I also added in more detail to my final product and changed the way the level looks slightly. I got my inspiration for this level design from the game “streets of rage”. I like the style and how free you are to move. This is what I first visioned the game to look like during the beginning of the assignment.Initial level design

FMP- Level designs ( research)- ross

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this time i have made a power point presentation about some research on some of the levels i was asked to make. first i looked into some examples of maps from games that have already being made but i just want to use them as reference. then from prior knowledge or by researching online i found out about each level and wrote how i would like it to be used as reference and how i would develop it into the game. FMP- level designs moodboard

FMP- slime and blob moodboard (research)- ross

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I created a moodboard of images of slime or blob like creatures from google images. i have created a few groups for each of the slimes or blobs, these are; realistic looking, cartoon style, films/ anime and video game style. some of the images i already knew about so could find them easily but some i had to use a non specific search to find. i research i conducted showed me that a lot of slime/ blobs are green and i will take this into consideration when making my sprites.    FMP- blob and slime moodbard